New Appointment Booking System from Monday 18th September 2023
Following patient feedback from Monday 18th September we will be trialling a new way for patients to access the surgery, where patients will be asked to submit their medical request using a quick and easy online form. This will be for patients who feel their medical issue needs attention that day. The system is called AccuRx patient triage and once the form is completed and sent back to the surgery a doctor will review the form and determine the most appropriate action based on the information the patient has provided.
Patients who do not have access to the internet or are unable to use the form can still call the surgery and one of our reception team will complete the form with you, this will then be sent to the doctor in the same way as patients using the online link.
The form can be found on our website by selecting the following link: (please note the link will not be activated until Monday 18th September 2023).
We think this will be much easier for patients than waiting on hold to speak to a receptionist. Patients can be reassured that the form will be reviewed by a doctor, and they will determine the most appropriate action based on the information provided in the form. We understand that the change may be difficult, but we strongly believe that this new approach will ensure patients’ needs are met safely and efficiently.
The service is being provided by AccuRx; you can find more information at: – they have a patient support team should you encounter any difficulties. Some local surgeries are already using this service with very positive feedback.
If you would like any more information, please telephone the surgery on 01249 712232.
Kind regards
The Porch Surgery