Why can’t I see my GP for dental treatment?

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Definitive treatment for a dental abscess can only be given by a dentist, not your GP. The NICE (National Institute of Clinical Excellent) guidelines states patients should be seen by a dentist for assessment as soon as possible. GPs are not trained in managing dental problems and simply treating with antibiotics will not eliminate the source of
infection. Sometimes dental abscesses can lead to serious complications if not managed appropriately by seeing a dentist. This can include loss of the affected tooth, but can also lead to spread of infection to the bone or brain causing sepsis, which is a life-threatening systemic infection. Furthermore, if prescribed an antibiotic by your GP, this can potentially mask the condition and make it harder for your dentist for diagnose, leading to a delay in definitive management.

If you are not registered with a local dentist, it’s a good idea to do so before you have any issues and to ensure you get regular check-ups. You can find your local dentist at www.nhs.uk.

If you are not registered with a dentist and have a dental emergency, please call 111 for advice.