New partnership to support unpaid carers
Wiltshire Council has announced Age UK Wiltshire working in a consortium with Community First, Alzheimer’s Support, Wiltshire Service Users Network, Citizens Advice Wiltshire and Wessex Community Action and many more charities called Carers Together Wiltshire will provide respite, and a range of support to adult unpaid carers from the age of 18 such as training, carers cafes and awareness raising in the community for unpaid carers. They will also work closely with Wiltshire Council to continue conducting carers assessments.
Community First has been awarded the contract for younger adult and young carers from ages 5 – 25, focusing on support in primary schools and supporting Wiltshire Council with their work with secondary schools and colleges, understanding their rights and what support is available to them and giving them opportunities to carry on doing the things they enjoy – whilst also teaching them key life skills as they grow up.
There will continue to be a Wiltshire Carer Card which will provide unpaid carers with ID as a carer and record emergency contact details. This will be available as a physical card and a digital app for smartphones, if preferred. Unpaid carers can continue to use the emergency card they already have while they wait for the new card. The new providers will also continue to work closely with hospitals to ensure unpaid carers are supported. Assessments for unpaid carers will continue as normal.
From the 1 April Carer Support Wiltshire will continue to run its services independently of the council including carer cafés, the Hear to Talk service, family support and activities, carer wellbeing workshops, young carer activities, carer grants and their Bereavement Help Points.