Prescriptions and Charges


Patients on regular medication will require repeat prescriptions. Your doctor will have entered onto the computer the details of the medication you are taking and each time a new prescription is written by the computer, a new request form is also generated for you to make your next request. 

You can post, telephone the surgery, bring your repeat prescription request into the surgery or order online via SystmOnline. If you already have an account please click on the image below to login.

  • Please allow working days (48 hours) for your prescription to be processed.
  • If you have more than one repeat prescription, please try and order all your items together. 


It is sometimes worthwhile buying a PPC (‘season ticket’) for the pre-payment of prescription charges.

If you have to pay for more than 4 prescription items in 3 months, or more than 15 items in 12 months visit the following link for details:

Who is entitled to free prescriptions?

Visit web site: