Registering as a Patient
We are pleased to accept new patients who live in Corsham and surrounding areas onto our practice list (see Practice area)
Does it matter where I live?
Yes, we can only accept patients who live within our practice area.
Who will I be registered with?
You will be registered with The Porch Surgery and will be allocated a ‘usual doctor’. We do not operate ‘personal’ lists and patients are at liberty to see any clinician they choose. However, we strongly encourage patients with chronic diseases or on-going illnesses to try and see the same clinician for continuity of care.
For all new Patient Registrations please select the link
Or alternatively please can you download and complete an Adult Registration Pack and return to the surgery any day Mon-Friday after 2:00pm.
- Full name including previous names
- Date and place of birth
- Last address (we cannot register you without a previous address)
- New address and post code
- Last name and address of your previous doctor
- NHS number (if known) – this is different from your National Insurance number!
If, at the time of registering you, are taking regular medication, you will need to have an appointment with a doctor.
Practice Map
The extended boundary map shows the contracted Practice area (GREEN) . Anyone living within this area can register with the Practice . Patients who move from the practice area into the Outer boundary areas ( PURPLE) are also allowed to remain registered , however ‘new’ patients in these outer areas are not permitted to register.
We do not accept registrations from Patients living outside the Practice area.