The Porch Patient Participation Group (PPG) was established in 1999 to promote better communication between the Primary Health Care Team at the Porch and its patients. The group produces a newsletter (copies are available in the surgery or on the website).
The PPG are also responsible for arranging a programme of talks which are held in the surgery twice a year. These have proved to be successful and informative to all who attend – topics have included asthma, meningitis, diabetes and a healthy heart. Everyone is most welcome to attend.
The PPG have a notice board inside the foyer of the surgery where details of forthcoming events are posted.
The PPG Committee meet approximately three times a year to discuss items relevant to the surgery, topical health issues and forthcoming events.
The PPG would like to engage with any underrepresented and seldom heard groups. This would include patients with mental health conditions or groups with protected characteristics as identified in the Equality Act 2010 (Age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation).
If you would like some more information, please contact Becky Drennan at the surgery.