New Patient Questionnaire

We require all new patients to complete a confidential questionnaire about their medical history. This will help the doctors and nurse at the Porch appreciate your health needs. 

Should you have any queries please ring or call into the surgery and speak to one of the Receptionists or ask to speak to Sarah Smith, Deputy Practice Manager (01249 712232). 

Temporary Patients will also be asked to provide some form of identification (see above). You will also be asked to complete a Form GMS3 and to provide the following information: 

  • Full name including previous names
  • Date of Birth
  • NHS Number (if known)
  • Temporary address and telephone number
  • Home address and telephone number
  • Name, address and telephone number of your current doctor

You will be able to see a Doctor or Nurse as a Temporary Patient but only minimal short-term prescribing will be available until the above details are verified, depending on length of stay and when you can attend your own GP.

University Students

When a student starts University they are asked to register with the University Medical Centre.  Once this is done, their medical records are transferred from the surgery and sent to the University Medical Centre which becomes their registered GP surgery.

If a student returns to their home address during the holidays and requires medical attention, they can be registered at the surgery as a “Temporary” patient.

If a patient who currently resides in The Porch “Outer Boundary” leaves the practice to register with their University Medical Centre and requires medical attention when they return home, we are unable to register them as either a “Temporary” patient or a permanent registration as we only take registrations from patients who live within our catchment area. 

For more information on our Practice Boundary please ask at reception or visit our web site.