Please telephone 01249 712232 before 11.00 am to arrange a home visit if you are unable to attend the surgery.
Any requests made after 11.00 am may have to be left until the next day unless they are genuine emergencies.
Please do not ask the Doctor to call unless the patient is genuinely too ill to come to the surgery. Remember that the Doctor can see approximately four patients in surgery during the time it takes to do one home visit and often a proper examination and many tests cannot be done at home. It is at the Doctor’s discretion as to whether a home visit is necessary and the doctor may telephone prior to visiting.
If the patient has a temperature or rash, coming to the surgery will not endanger others, but please inform the receptionist on arrival.
When you do require a home visit, please try to telephone before 11.00 am on the same day, as this enables the Doctor to plan calls and save time. When you request a visit, the receptionist will ask for details of the patient’s name, address, age and telephone number and the reason for the visit.